Hi Gim Kooi,
Congrulations on completing Malakoff in such an impressive time. Also, please help to congratulate the gang on completing the run. The thing that I missed most in Penang, as I told Keat Boey, was not being able to hang out with a group of good friend.
Anyway, I am going to make up the lost. I will be in Penang on 4 July (Sat). I have to run a one-day workshop in Singapore with a group of colleage from London on Friday (3 July), and will arrive in Pg on 4 July at 9am. I hope to see you, and other friends at the same location at 5pm on Saturday. I am not sure whether I can run continuosly for 15 min, but I will try.
Due to the swine flu, I will be travelling alone. I will spend two days in Pg. I need to be in KL to a Public Lecture in UM on 7 July, followed by a meeting with UTAR's president on 8 July before flying home on the night of 8 July.
I cann't wait to catch up with you.
Best wishes,
Boon Siew
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